Integrate your digital forms with other applications

Connect GoFormz to your tech stack to streamline record-keeping, accelerate workstreams, and enrich your business systems with real-time form data.

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A graphical depiction of the integrations partners GoFormz works with. Logos include Procore, Smartsheet, box, Google Workplace, Salesforce, and PlanGrid.

Instantly sync data between systems

Automatically update connected spreadsheets, databases, and records with real-time form data. Utilize a two-way data sync to populate forms with information pulled from your CRM, ERP, databases, and more.

Digitize forms by uploading a document to the online form builder.
Fill out digital documents on your phone, tablet, or computer and add new information, like signatures.

Upload forms to Cloud storage applications

Instantly upload completed forms to corresponding records within Cloud storage applications like Box, DropBox, and OneDrive to streamline and optimize record-keeping.

Use digital forms as a familiar data collection interface for your systems

Digitize your existing forms or build digital forms from scratch. Your teams can fill out the forms they know on mobile devices and online, and instantaneously sync forms and data to connected systems – no retraining or manual processing required.

Digitize forms by uploading a document to the online form builder.

Use integrations to do more with your data

Instantly upload forms to Cloud storage, update CRM records, pre-populate forms with integration data, update spreadsheets, dashboards, databases, and more.

Featured Integrations

All Integrations

Fill out digital documents on your phone, tablet, or computer and add new information, like signatures.

Configure custom approval workflows

Create custom approval flows to ensure documents and data meet compliance and approval requirements before reaching your integrated systems.

Enterprise-ready integrations and open API

Use GoFormz as a familiar data-entry layer to your enterprise systems. Utilize integrations with Salesforce, SQL, Acumatica, and more to store enterprise data and augment dashboards.

Fill out digital documents on your phone, tablet, or computer and add new information, like signatures.

See how customers are using our integrations to work smarter

Read all case studies

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Use our free mobile forms app and platform to digitally transform your business.

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